This is a cross-platform service, so you can install it on your iPhone or Windows Phone. Viber is available for free on the Google Play store, and I had no trouble installing it on my Nexus 5x ($89.99 at Amazon) (Opens in a new window).

A recent update has added end-to-end encryption, but it feels like this app has lost a bit of ground against the competition, as I'll explain. Prominent among these tools is Viber, a powerful Android app that lets you text, call, and make video calls with anyone on the service. And then came the over-the-top messaging services that use data, instead of your cellular connection, to send messages. In the beginning, there was text messaging, and it was good-except that it frequently cost money and messaging people overseas was prohibitively expensive, if not actually impossible. Cannot replace your messaging and phone apps.Out of network, non-US calls cost money.How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.

Viber is available for many smartphones and platforms. More than 516b million Viber users text, make HD-quality phone and video calls, and send photo and video messages worldwide over Wifi or 3G - for free.* Viber Out can be used to make calls to non-Viber mobile and landline numbers at low rates. With Viber, everyone in the world can connect.